Okay, so here it is. I'll be rambling about what I miss from Canada, like I said I would, and I guess first thing's first: I freaking. Miss. Tim Horton's. That Iced Cappuccino is looking so good right now, it's unbelievable. If France didn't have Starbucks, I'd miss that too, but France
does have Starbucks, so I'm alright in that domain, but...
no Timmy's. This is a
life crisis, people. No Tim Horton's = no good BLTs + no Iced Cappuccinos = life crisis (I'm such a Math whiz, right?). It's bad! First thing I want when I get back to Canada is an Iced Cap from Tim Horton's. That's on my "To Do list" for when I return, written in blood- uh, ink. Written in permanent ink, Sharpie preferably, in big huge capital letters that take up one side of the entire list. I digress. Tim Horton's isn't the only thing I miss from Canada, that's for sure. And contrary to popular belief, I actually
do miss some other things more than that restaurant. Like, um, I don't know, family and friends? Yeah, I think it's safe to put that at the top of my list right now. I love you guys back there, and I miss being with you. A lot. A lot, a lot, a lot. Since I'm in online school, I don't see anyone outside of the house except at church, and that's pretty much limited to Sundays...I'm such a loner, it's unbelievable. So I miss the people. I miss the people because I love the people, and I love the people because of who they are. Part of who they are is Canadian, and I miss the Canadian feel, the Canadian attitude, and the Canadian behaviour. I miss the Canadian culture, I miss the English language being spoken practically everywhere I go so that I can understand everything flawlessly instead of subconsciously tiring myself out as I attempt to understand what's being said around me.
I miss that feeling of familiarity I had when I went around the town, to the mall. I miss the food court and the stores I knew I could go in and find what I was looking for without too much stressing. I miss the bubbly employees in all the stores who did their job because they enjoyed doing it, and did it with a smile on their face because they didn't want to scare the customers.
I miss having piano lesson's with my Aunt as my teacher, I miss babysitting my three cousins all at once because they were the best kids of the world and I love them more than anyone knows. When I see them again, we'll all be older. It's freaky, that thought. I miss getting together with family for celebrations, like Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Easter, and the like. I miss getting to know my extended family better by spending time with them. I miss hanging out, just because we hadn't in a while.
I miss randomly bumping into people when I'm out and about and feeling so comfortable that we give each other a hug in the middle of nowhere. I miss getting hugs from everyone I know. I miss hanging out with friends and going to sleepovers and birthday parties, I miss going to Youth Group - even though I'm too old for it already, I totally would have kept going as a helper. I miss going to school and getting a hug from my best friend every single morning, and then more hugs throughout each day, because friends give the best hugs besides mothers. I miss being less nervous to raise my hand in class to answer a question, because I actually knew how to phrase what I was going to say. I miss talking with awesome teachers and joking around with them in class, I miss going to assemblies, no matter how horrible, long, and drawn out they are. I miss wearing pyjamas to school, as in wearing them when I leave the house, I miss spirit days where people randomly dress up to a theme. The French people don't do that here, and it's a very sad thing. You can hate me for this if you want, but I miss the snow, and I almost miss the crazy Abbotsford weather.
This is a huge one: I freaking miss drama class, because that was the best class of my life and there's no way I'll ever forget it. I miss Improv Fridays at Mouat, because the Improv team was just that awesome and they always found a way to make my day. I miss laughing every day at school, because my friends are good at making me laugh, and I don't laugh nearly enough anymore. I miss being able to make jokes, I can't make jokes in French, and I miss understanding the jokes that are being said around me, because I don't always understand the French jokes either. I miss understanding everything that's be said to me, good or bad, compliment or insult, because there's nothing worse than being yelled at in a different language and not knowing what the names you're being labelled mean.
I miss feeling like I belong, like I can be who I am because I know that no one will really judge me, or I just don't care what they think. I miss feeling like I'm where I should be and people accept me for me, because they know who I am and they know that I wouldn't change that for the world. I miss knowing that people don't look down on me because I stay myself no matter what they say.
Heck, I miss French class and all the frenchies out there who I could help in French class, even if people thought I was a nerd or something moronic like that crap for being as good at French as I was. I miss choir with Beth and Tianna.
BC ferry leaving the shore behind... |
I miss the culture I feel comfortable in, I miss my homeland where I was born and where I wish I could stay, I miss feeling in the right place and I miss my country. I maybe used to never think I belonged anywhere, but four years in Canada definitely changed that for me, and I want that feeling back, because I never had it before then. I miss the landscape, the view of a beautiful land, I miss the trips to Pender in Spring and Summer, I miss the beautiful land of British Columbia, because regardless of the weather, it's a beautiful place. I miss the cleaner air, the less polluted air, and I miss being able to walk out of my house and down the street without being engulfed in multiple clouds of cigarette smoke. I miss feeling like my lungs were clear and I wasn't going to get lung cancer from second hand smoking and die from it before I reach 30 years old.
I miss the sunsets and the night skies, the stars and the moon that you can see from Canada that you can't see from anywhere else, because each place is unique, but those stars are my stars, that's the sky I love, no matter how cheesy or corny that sounds.
I miss my home, everything it includes, and that's all there is to it.
- <3 <3 <3