Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sunday Picnic Awesomeness

I went to the best picnic of the century on Sunday, played a game of Volleyball with some awesome people, and had a lot of fun in general. We were a team of four against a team of five and...we won! HA! Take that! XD It was great.
Kaufé, Zach, and then me!!!
I don't know if I thought I would ever have that much fun anytime soon. It has been awhile since I enjoyed myself that much, so I'm happy that I went, kept a good attitude and tired to have fun. It payed off in the end, even if the sore-muscle after effects were brutal (that, or I'm just a big baby...).
It's odd...I hate volleyball, normally. That's one of the worst units you can stick me in in PE class. But I went along and played this time, and I'm glad I did. Sure enough, I sucked at first. I was really, really bad. But I got into it, eventually, and I was alright by the end of it.
I took a ton of pictures, ran around a lots of exercise -_- Which is good. I got to log 3 hours of physical activity for my PE course! Yipee!
I played with lots of young children - that's always fun. I know not everyone loves entertaining and being entertained by little kids, but I love little kids, so it was a really great afternoon, all around and in general. I almost felt normal for a I belonged, for one afternoon, somewhere where I never would have expected to find a place in.
From the most unlikely of places come the most beautiful of things.
Thanks for a great afternoon, you English and French speakers who attended alike!


  1. Picnics are SO GOOD! I agree, beauty and happiness are so often in the places where you don't expect them to be :)

  2. My thoughts exactly! :) I love picnics ^_^
