Ted Dekker is undoubtedly quite an exceptional and inspiring favourite, maybe even my utmost favourite at this very moment in time on the 31st of August at 1:39 PM, though given the fickle tendencies of the human mind it can be expected that my order of favourites will change in the very near future.
But for now Ted Dekker is my favourite.
I'd like to bring attention to his incredible ability to bring to the surface the deeper and more confusing issues regarding Life and the beliefs of those who live it; to spin these issues subtly into a tale that holds just the right amount of action, just the right sprinkle of gore, just the right addition of a thrill and a touch of mystery and suspense, and just the right side dish of romance. And within this intricately, beautifully woven tapestry of a tale, the heavier realistic issues are addressed, subtle yet with such impact, in a tangle of delicious fiction. His extensiveness, accuracy, and enlightening manner is one such as I have not encountered elsewhere to date.
In the true sense of the word, quite awesome. In the true sense of the word, quite awe-striking.
Though it has been a couple of years since my perusal of his series, the Circle - Black, Red, White, and Green - and the Lost Books series, my very recent reading of the books Showdown, Saint, and Sinner have brought quite a number of relevant, striking questions to mind; issues that I have fretted over with passion only to find no answers in my mind. Though Dekker does not exactly present me with those sought answers he does leave the mind with feelings of high surety and understanding.
It has to be impossible to step away from his writing without looking at at least one heavy thought path in a completely different light. Through his writing, Ted Dekker works in realms of thought and question, love, and good and evil.
At this very moment in time, at 1:48 PM on August the 31st of the year 2013, Ted Dekker is my absolute favourite Weaver of Words.