In my musings of today, after going through much intelligible reading, I have found Vocabulary to be the thing of the day - the element in life that most fascinates me on this pristine, warm, Canadian/British Columbian day.
I have an unsatiated desire to use long, complicated terms with simple meanings in every sentence that sprouts from between my lips.
And I find myself incapable of typing and sometimes speaking a single sentence without using descriptive images that are most likely quite unnecessary.
Reading actual books is something that has drawn me once again, as I was quite unhealthily obsessed with reading manga for some time (probably still am, only I'm in denial over it because I keep telling myself I need to stop but it's terribly difficult). On that note, if you ever come to a point where you are in search of some excellent reading material, or perhaps you stumble across these books by chance, two that I recommend would be Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. The latter, I have no yet even finished reading. I still recommend it to you, which is saying something. It's fabulous. It's beyond fabulous. They both are. And this coming from someone who doesn't tend to read this style of books. Like my friend, the fabulous Connie Bahnman, said to me after recommending them in the first place: "Not my cup of tea, but John Green MAKES IT my cup of tea."
So true.
Thus I have accidentally on purpose advertised two books and one fabulous author. (If you were to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson you may end up understanding my obsession of the word fabulous) I meant this rant to be about my incurable desire for the use of abnormally fabulous vocabulary, but I suppose I must give credit where credit is due. I would not have felt this way had I not read these novels.
Now stop reading this post. Go, be free, remove yourself from the Boredomverse and find yourself these books. You have been tasked, I have completed my mission, and all that's left is for you to obey!
Please do.
The above is most definitely not a request, though I ultimately made you read it as though it was.
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